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The Myth Of Tennis Elbow “Inflammation” – And Why You Can Stop “Fighting” It

See on Scoop.itWhat Is Tennis Elbow?

Research has unequivocally shown that chronic Tennis Elbow is usually NOT inflammatory in nature, so isn’t it high time to abandon the inflammation-fighting approach – And the myth it’s based on?

TennisElbowClassroom‘s insight:

Medical researchers have been reporting for decades that Tennis Elbow (at least in its chronic form) is rarely an inflammatory condition, and that the terms ‘TendonITIS’ and ‘EpicondylITIS’ are misnomers – but is anyone listening? Are the prescriptions for anti-inflammatories and the Cortisone shots decreasing? Does the "Left hand" of medicine know what the "Right hand" is doing and writing?

See on storify.com

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